project impacts 1

Although fish catch has declined along the Hinboun River following THPC operations, large fish are still caught and traded locally.

project impacts 2

Bank erosion along downstream rivers was exacerbated by the first THPC plant. The Expansion Project will release more consistent water volumes and may cause less erosion. The situation is constantly monitored.

The original Theun-Hinboun project caused more significant environmental and social impacts than were envisaged in the initial Environmental Impact Assessment and led to THPC playing "catch up" to adequately address these issues after the first few years of operation.

These impacts concerned riverbank erosion along the Hai and Hinboun rivers downstream of the Powerhouse, and an associated decline in fisheries.

The Expansion Project, involving creation of a 105-square kilometer reservoir, has a larger social and environmental footprint and THPC has invested in a wide-reaching suite of programs to minimize, mitigate and compensate for impacts.

The main impacts are:

• Loss of land leading to resettlement for 12 villages (4,367 people) in the NG Reservoir area
• Hydro safety issues requiring relocation of one village at NG Dam
• Increased duration of flooding in along Nam Hai and Nam Hinboun, affecting 22 villages
• Potential water quality problems during construction and the first few years of operation

The programs designed to ensure that people affected by THPC operations benefit from the project in the long run, and that environmental protection in the area is enhanced rather than damaged, are explained in the Social & Environmental pages of this website.