• Health and Safety
  • Development Works
  • CSR and HR Development

    THPC's commitment to health and safety is aimed the 'Zero Harm' philosophy, which signifies that workplace safety incidents and injuries are considered as preventable. The Company's safety culture is to create a safety-oriented mindset and behavior among staff and contractors to embed a comprehensive wide-range safety measures and controls the risks such as Take 5, Workplace Inspection, Job Safety Analysis, Job Safety Observation, and Fire evacuation drills.

    At THPC, health and safety are a shared responsibility. We are accountable for:

    • Comply with THPC's health and safety standards and procedures.
    • Our personal health and safety.
    • Ensuring the health and safety of others in our work environment.

    THPC utilizes the INX tool monitoring system for all safety inspections, non-compliances, and incident investigations in order to monitor its safety performance. All incidents that occur are investigated through internal procedures as well as the use of the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) as the approach for significant incident investigation.

    TAKE 5: This tool assists in identifying work hazards and ensuring safe completion of tasks.

    JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: This involves a systematic review and documentation of all tasks within a job to pinpoint health and safety hazards and outline control measures for each task.

    JOB SAFETY OBSERVATION: This process involves evaluating a specific job to verify the safety of work areas and activities.

    WORKPLACE INSPECTION: Conduct inspections of work areas to identify hazards and aid in risk control.

    FIRE EVACUATION DRILL: In early 2024, fire evacuation drills were conducted to practice fire response procedures and assess the readiness for fire evacuation. Any findings were promptly addressed in compliance with laws and regulations.

    On 26th March 2024, conducted fire evacuation drill at TH Powerhouse

    On 27th March 2024, conducted a fire evacuation drill at THPC site office