Xaychamphone District, June 9, 2017
Villagers in Keosenkham village joined with the Theun-Hinboun Power Company (THPC) to mark National Tree Planting Day on June 1, adding 2,300 saplings to the village and surroundings as part of progress towards a greener environment.
THPC provided eight saplings to every household in the village, plus trees for public areas such as the school, along with instructions on how to plant and look after trees plus materials to help protect the saplings.
Each year the company selects one village for tree planting efforts in the area around its power plant, organizing an event with local authorities to mark National Plantation Day and World Environment Day. The theme for this year’s Environment Day is “Connecting People to nature” and the people of Keosenkham appreciated the effort to plant more trees around their village.
Robert Allen, General Manager of THPC, said that as Keosenkham was located at a fairly high altitude, the trees could provide important material benefits to the villagers. “This is not a major rice growing area,” said Mr Allen, “but fruit and other trees can contribute to the economy of the people in the long-term, as well as enhancing the environment around the village”.
Keosenkham was founded in 2010 when five villages living along the Gnouang River moved to the newly founded Xaychamphone as part of the Theun-Hinboun Expansion Project. THPC provided those who chose to resettle at the new site with houses, farm land and public facilities alongside the Nam Gnouang Reservoir, which the villagers fish each day.
THPC staff joined Keosenkham residents, schoolchildren and district staff to mark National Plantation Day by planting trees around the village in Xaychamphone. Many of the saplings came from THPC’s nursery, established to help reforest the area around the Nam Gnouang Reservoir.