Vientiane, Wednesday May 29, 2013
Two directors of the Theun-Hinboun Power Company (THPC) have been awarded national medals in acknowledgement of their efforts to promote development in Laos.
On behalf of the government Mr Khambay Damlath the Governor of Khammouane Province, presented the Medal of Development, Second Class, to Mr Robert Kay of GMS Power and Mr Jan Cederwall of Statkraft. Both companies have 20% shareholdings in THPC.
The medals were presented in recognition of the contribution of GMS and Statkraft to development in the Theun-Hinboun area, above and beyond the obligation of the hydropower concession. In addition to funding US$70 million of investment in social and environmental programs under the concession, GMS and Statkraft each donated $1.5 million to fund irrigation projects for five villages in Khammouane.
Mr Khambay said “The donation of $3 million by the THPC shareholders was extra to the important development work being carried out by the hydropower company and shows the commitment of these investments to the people of Laos.”
Robert Kay of GMS (left) and Statkraft's Jan Cederwall (right) with Khammouane Governor Khambay Damlath following the medal ceremony.