Theun-Hinboun Power Company Limited (THPC) and the Government of Lao PDR organized a ceremony to celebrate the company's 25th anniversary on March 31, 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vientiane, with the honour of being attended by His Excellency Mr. Sonexay Sipandone,Prime Minister of the Lao PDR.
To optimize the potential of the Nam Theun basin to deliver energy during the dry season, when many other Lao power plants run at reduced capacity, THPC began researching alternatives for expanding electricity generation in 2004.
THPC works on a range initiatives with individuals, communities and partners to improve life for people in the project area. The Community-Led Total Sanitation idea was piloted in the village of Nongxong and has achieved tangible results in improving people's understanding and behaviour in essential health matters.
With its mountains, forests and rivers, Laos has huge potential for hydropower. Following years of war and isolation in the twentieth century, Laos is now realising this potential and is using hydropower to help drive its development.